6 Ways to Keep Meetings Moving Forward
If your team enjoyed success in 2016, that’s all the more reason for everyone to aim even higher this year!
Don’t get left behind; stay current or even get ahead of the competition! Here are some ways to tweak your meetings to keep everyone gunning for more!
Assess everything you have
Create an inventory of your team’s overall knowledge, skillset, competencies and experiences from the previous year. Identify their best practices, as well as the areas they need to improve. It would be great if your organisation could take the initiative by conducting a total business performance appraisal – this is good for everyone’s career health and fitness!
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Tap into latent valuable skills
Automatically, the team should continue to utilise the skills that proved to be super effective in the past year. If anyone was keen enough to try and understand how tasks were completed in previous projects, they will surely have picked up some interesting new skills! Discuss this at your next meeting, as this year might be the perfect time to try out a new approach.
A leader in everyone
We all lead in our own different way, regardless of job title or position. If time and resources permit, allow everyone to develop their leadership skills through business meetings. This will give you the ideal platform to evaluate how each member communicates, facilitates, solves problems and makes decisions. It is good to counter familiarity, mix things up, improve skills and learn from new perspectives.
Value recognition and learning from other places
Team members will eventually grow tired of seeing and interacting with each other during meetings. Let everyone step out of the office once in a while and invite them to attend workshops and business conferences where they can earn accreditations and certifications. This will effectively boost everyone’s creativity and overall knowledge, as any newly acquired information can be shared when everyone is reconvened.
Be up-to-date with the news and trends
Look around the business industry and you will see or read about countless success stories. Being on the lookout for the latest innovations in business will help you and your team to get some pointers. Keep your eyes peeled for anything that can contribute towards the success of your organisation.
Here are some pro tips:
Seek informational interviews
Read your company’s own annual report if possible
Research strategy, operations and ways of other successful businesses
#relationshipgoals, #travelgoals, #gymgoals, etc. We often encounter them in social media but they could also serve as a pertinent reminder when setting goals in our careers. Goals are just wishes if you are not going to voice them out in meetings or make a solid structured plan. When the team sets clear goals during meetings, achieving them will be so much easier.
Now that’s #careergoals!
There are so many things that you can do to positively affect the whole business. Follow our tips and our self-help guidelines to stay abreast of the meeting trends and business innovations. We are confident that any of our meeting rooms in London will contribute greatly to the cause! So, what are you waiting for? Call 0800 073 0499 and let us help to make your meetings more refreshing and interesting!
Posted by Ashleigh Sharp
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