How to explore breakthroughs during meetings

There are days when business meetings just end in deadlock. It’s as if no matter how much hard work, brainstorming and effort you put in, no one can advance the team forward.

There could be a hundred reasons for this and it’s no coincidence – it happens to a lot of professionals!

Stop stumbling on business roadblocks and start applying these guidelines to generate your much coveted breakthrough today!

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Know yourself and put the work in

If you are seeing a workplace trend whereby none of the participants seem to be gaining any benefits, maybe it’s time to take a step back and look from within. You cannot contribute anything valuable unless you know who you really are – your role, skills, specialties and individuality.

If you are focusing on a business problem that you TRULY do not believe in, you are just adding to the burden of the whole team. Understand yourself well and when you do, that is the time you will contribute the ideas that be realistically achieved.

Stop fighting it – sit back and observe

We are all familiar with the saying, “go against the flow.” It can be invaluable advice but in times of opposition, try going easy on the reins and fall back for a bit. Many of us try our hardest to resist business problems instead of embracing them. Sometimes, we must learn when to just ‘accept’ the things that happen around us.

If everyone in the meeting room is familiar with a problem, the next step is to find a new or innovative way to work around it.

Have a solid plan to change how the team will operate

• Understand how the leader and team players perceive each other and if there is any miscommunication or tension that needs to be cleared
• Volunteer yourself to do more leadership work and demonstrate your capabilities. Become the spark that can ignite a new important program that will benefit your team
• Do not go leading the revolt without a plan. If you are looking to lead, have concrete steps to demonstrate your value and show how you are carefully planning to attack the problem

We must start to think the whole rewards and punishment system in reverse. Incentives are not just what makes the workforce happy. When you have a positive disposition, it will surely create more breakthrough possibilities for any business situation. You are the breakthrough that your company needs!

Discover that business breakthrough in one of our training rooms in London by calling the meeting room experts on 0800 073 0499!

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