INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Tips on Feeding Back to Managers

Infographic: 5 Tips on Feeding Back to Managers


Oops… don’t get the wrong idea… this is not about retaliation! It’s more about how to give your honest feedback and opinions – especially during meetings.

No good manager will dismiss staff honesty, so brace yourself and don’t be afraid to be heard. You never know, your feedback might be just what your manager needs to hear!

Tip #1: Think before you speak

Don’t be too hasty to voice out your feedback or opinion to the manager, especially during meetings. Get your thoughts together before sharing them. The questions that come your way will likely be in relation to events and decisions regarding the office or meeting. So, ponder that!

Tip #2: Probe and clarify

It’ possible that you won’t have all the information you need to give any constructive feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and confirm anything that you are unclear about so that you are well equipped with the relevant facts.

Tip #3: Always have an opinion

If you pass on giving your feedback when your manager asks for it, then he runs a decision you are opposed to, you will then start to think, “I should have said this and that!” Providing your opinion after the event will have little or no impact – you missed your chance!

Tip #4: Prepare for objections

These objections will not just come from your manager but also from the other attendees as well. Remember that everyone has a different perspective, so listen to what your colleagues have to say. Regarding any points they don’t agree with, try to explain yourself in more detail.

Tip #5: Do not fight it

Sharing your feedback shouldn’t feel like fighting for a cause or rallying in a protest – chill brother! Not everyone can see things from your point of view right away. What’s important, is that you are speaking your mind in the best interests of the business.

No matter what happens, do not underestimate the power of your voice. Whether your boss and colleagues agree with your opinion or not, it is always great to contribute to the business’s cause.

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Posted by Yasmin Saul

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