Meet our team: Phoebe Chatfield, Sales Admin Assistant

Continuing our ‘meet our team’ feature, it’s time to learn more about our sales admin assistant, Phoebe Chatfield

Question 1: How long have you worked for &Meetings?

I joined in March 2022 so its almost a year now.

Question 2: What does your role involve?

My role is the sales and admin assistant. It includes booking meeting rooms and liaising with clients to make sure their experience with us is the best it can be.

Question 3: What meeting has had the most impact on your life?

Meeting my best friend made me realise life is for living and to never dwell on the the past. We are like sisters and I’m so glad we met. She has helped me through so much and I’m so grateful for her.

Question 4: Who is the most famous person you’ve met?

I have met Callum Chambers who is a Premier League football player for Aston Villa. I met him in a box at the O2 arena at a Future concert, he was lovely.

Question 5: Tell us about your most unexpected meeting.

Rachel Riley from Countdown came to an assembly when I was in primary school.

Question 6: Who is the most inspirational person you’ve met?

It would be my Nan. She puts a smile on everyone’s face and lights up any room she walks into. From having a serious knee operation and bowel cancer, she has kept going and always pushed through. She’s the heart of my family and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Question 7: If you could meet anyone, from the past or present, who would it be and why?

I would like to meet Beyonce as I really enjoy listening to her music and feel as though her presences would be very calming. She is also very inspiration as she is famous for being an empowered female role model, standing up for women’s rights and gender equality in our society.

Question 8: Why do you think in-person meetings are so important?

Face-to-face meetings are key to building strong relationships. They make the meeting experience more personable and engaging compared to communicating via email, phone or by video conference.

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