Meet our team: Yasmin Green – &Meetings Sales Manager

Continuing our new ‘meet our team’ feature, it’s time to learn more about our sales manager, Yasmin Green.

Yasmin Green

Question 1: How long have you worked for &Meetings?

8 1/2 years

Question 2: What does your role involve?

Booking meeting rooms for our clients whilst offering the best possible customer service to build up good rapports and ensure repeat business.

I also now manage a team so I have to make sure they feel supported and offer help wherever needed.

Question 3: What meeting has had the most impact on your life?

The first date with the man who is now my husband, as this was when a new chapter of my life began, and we are now expecting our first baby!

Yasmin Green Wedding

Question 4: Who is the most famous person you’ve met?

Simon Cowell, at my uncle’s 50th birthday party. He’s actually really lovely!

Question 5: Tell us about your most unexpected meeting.

I was once in the same restaurant as Robin Williams in LA, and my sister made me go over with her to talk to him.

Question 6: Who is the most inspirational person you’ve met?

Definitely my dad. He left school at a young age and went out to work to earn money for himself, making hair clips for Princess Anne. He then got into the property world and eventually built his own company, which he continues to grow today. He makes me proud every day!

Question 7: If you could meet anyone, from the past or present, who would it be and why?

My grandpa, who sadly I never got to meet.

Question 8: Why do you think in-person meetings are so important?

People like to have face to face interaction, especially after Covid and not being able to see people for so long.

I think in-person meetings are much more productive and you can get a better idea of how someone is coming across by seeing their body language in real life.

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