&Meetings provides notepads and pencils to Nepali orphans

&Meetings is supporting a Business Environment sponsored initiative which has sent two employees all the way to Nepal to work with orphans and street children.

Business Environment Centre Manager Yasmine Shah (Barbican) and Assistant Centre Manager Jade Armitage (Basingstoke) are already one week into an adventure of a lifetime on a two week volunteering mission sponsored entirely by Business Environment, of which &Meetings is a subsidiary.

Yasmine and Jade have so far been involved in teaching projects and also play sessions with dozens of children. They took with them a bundle of &Meetings notepads and &Meetings pencils which have come in very handy and which have been very much appreciated by the children.

Young Girl Holding up a Drawing and Smiling

The opportunity to take part in the trip was open to all Business Environment Group employees (including &Meetings personnel) with interested parties asked to submit three sentences as to why they wanted to go and what they thought they could offer to the volunteering projects.

Family Smiling for a Camera

Although the trip is entirely funded by Business Environment, Jade and Yasmine set up a fundraising page to raise extra cash for the orphanage at which they are working, and have already raised over £1000.

Keep up the great work ladies, we are so proud of what you are doing.

Posted by Ashleigh Sharp

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