What does your hairstyle say about you?

Is your hairstyle helping you win new clients or putting them off? We look at what your hairstyle says about you – especially during business meetings.

Many businesswomen go to great lengths to make sure they look the part in the office – especially during meetings. But what does your hairstyle say about you?

We look at some common hairstyles and examine what impression they give to potential clients.

The Back of a Woman's Head Showing Braided Hair

Big hair

Business colleagues make an on-the-spot judgement about your personality and trustworthiness after just seconds of meeting you for the first time. Instant judgements are made on hairstyles as well your outfit or body language. Big hair that’s staying put with plenty of hairspray can suggest a variety of things about you, such as ‘loud’, ‘power-driven’, ‘domineering’ and ‘goal-oriented’. If it’s really huge and bouffant – think Amy Winehouse’s infamous beehive – it may put off potential clients.

Ultra trendy

If you always follow fashion trends, and change your hairstyle as often as your clothes, it could imply that you favour style over substance. However, clients could also be impressed with your trendy hair – and assume that you like to keep up-to-date with industry trends too.

A recent Cosmopolitan blog said that high-maintenance hair could suggest that you’re a drama queen or very self-critical. And you need to be cautious about spending a lot of time achieving the latest salon look. New York celeb hair stylist Franco Della Grazia says that businesswomen who do this risk being looked upon as people who may spend more time on themselves than their work.


Having a minimalist, unfussy hairstyle can suggest to a potential client that you’ll have a straightforward business relationship. If it’s obvious you haven’t spent ages styling your hair, it could suggest that you’re more serious about your work.

Straight hair can imply that you’re serious and business-like. A simple bob can suggest you have a nonsense-free approach to meetings, with a splash of independence thrown in. Short, simple hair can show that you’re determined and brave.


Curly-haired people are seen as warm and fun – something which can get you a long way in the business world. People with curly hair are receptive to new ideas and truthful, according to psychologists. If you have curly hair you could be seen as more approachable and creative than your straight-haired colleagues.

Red Haired Business Woman in a Meeting

Coloured hair

Fair-haired businesswomen have Hilary Clinton to thank for getting blondes taken more seriously in the meeting room, according to Della Grazia. New York colourist Erin Bogart believes that blonde works better in creative offices, while natural shades better suit conservative ones. Red hair is perceived as a fun-loving shade, but women who go for copper tones should avoid letting their roots grow out. Della Grazia says this can prevent them getting a second interview. Really “out there” hair colours, such as pink or blue, are best avoided if you want to be taken seriously – unless you work in an incredibly creative industry.


Posted by Ashleigh Sharp

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