&Here’s the boring bit…
This page sets out the terms and conditions on which we will provide facilities to you. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering any facilities from us. You should understand that by ordering facilities from us, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
You should print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference. Please understand that if you refuse to accept these terms and conditions, you will not be able to order any facilities from us.
Information about us
www.andmeetings.com is a site operated by &Meetings Venues Limited (we / us). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 15352430 with our registered office at 2 Leman Street, London, E1W 9US.
In these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
“Booking” means a reservation for a Room and any related facilities which you have requested by submitting an online booking or written request and which we have subsequently accepted in accordance with these terms and conditions.
“Contract” means an agreement between us and you for a Booking. These terms and conditions together with the Booking constitute the contract and can only be varied by our written agreement. Unless otherwise agreed with us in writing, each Booking will constitute a separate contract between you and us.
“Guests” means the individuals attending the Meeting at your request or invitation.
“Meeting” means the conference or meeting for which you require the Room.
“Room” means the room or rooms which you book for the use of your Guests.
“You” means the person, organisation, company or other body responsible for making a Booking.
Booking Arrangements
When you make a request for a Booking by completing and submitting an online booking or written request your request constitutes an offer to us to finalise a Booking. All such Booking requests are subject to acceptance by us, and no Contract will exist unless and until we confirm our acceptance of your request for a Booking. Confirmation of a Booking will be sent by email (the Reservation Confirmation) and the Contract between us will only be formed when we send you the Reservation Confirmation.
The most appropriate room will be allocated based on the number of delegates booked and paid for. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to refuse to accept any request for a Booking or to cancel a Booking due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control. In such circumstances we will advise you by email as soon as reasonably possible and refund any sum paid by you in full.
We reserve the right to change your assigned Room for one of equal suitability prior to the commencement of the Meeting. We will endeavour to advise you in advance of any such change.
Guest Numbers
Should you wish to increase the number of Guests for a Meeting you must email enquiries@andmeetings.com and we will do our best to accommodate such request subject to availability of additional Room space. If we agree to an increase in the number of Guests, we will send you confirmation by email and your Booking will be deemed to have been amended when such email is sent. You will need to make any additional payment due by credit / debit card prior to your Meeting.
Any reduction in Guest numbers will be subject to our cancellation policy as set out below.
Payments and Termination
In order to confirm your reservation, we require100% of the total amount to be paid at the time of the booking. Confirmation of the booking only takes place upon receipt by &Meetings of the payments due. &Meetings reserves the right to cancel this agreement in the event that the payment is not made.
Any additional charges for excessive or unreasonable use of office or other services (such as phone calls, photocopying etc) incurred during or in connection with your Meeting must be paid for by credit or debit card prior to departure. All local and national phone calls are free of charge. All international and mobile calls will be chargeable at standard BT rate – payment by credit / debit card will be required after your meeting.
All charges to be paid under the Contract are exclusive of VAT which will, where relevant, be charged to you at the then current rate. You can review the charges for any excessive or unreasonable use of office or other services upon request.
If you would like us to arrange food for your meeting, you are welcome to have it delivered to our venues. Please note that food must be collected at reception and all food and packaging should be removed after your meeting. If this is not done, a £50 cleaning fee may apply.
Additionally, please be aware that we do not provide crockery, cutlery, or napkins.
In the event that you wish to cancel or postpone a Meeting you must confirm the position as soon as possible by email to enquiries@andmeetings.com. Cancellations and postponements shall be effective on receipt of your confirmatory email.
The following cancellation charges shall apply:
0-1 working day 100%
2-7 working days 50%
8+ working days 0%
In addition to the above cancellation charges you will be liable for any expenditure which we have incurred with third parties and cannot recover.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties
You acknowledge and agree that:
- You are legally capable of entering into a Booking with us
- You will be liable for any damage to any of our property which is caused by your Guests
- Your Guests must not use the Room in any way which results in annoyance or disturbance to us or any third parties
- Your Guests must observe and adhere to any rules and regulations made by us in respect of the use of the Room including without limitation any health and safety requirements relating to the premises in which the Room is situated
- Your Guests will vacate the Room at the agreed time, otherwise you will be subject to reasonable additional charges which must be paid for prior to departure
- Failure to dispose of catering packaging from the meeting rooms will incur a cleaning fee of £50
- We do not accept responsibility for any personal effects or other belongings which your Guests bring onto or leave on our premises unless due to our negligence
- You shall not be entitled to use the address of our building in which the Room is located as your registered office address or as your postal address on your headed notepaper or in and communications or publication you produce or circulate.
We agree that we will take reasonable efforts to provide the Room and related facilities in good working order and properly equipped.
We shall not be liable for any claim, loss or damage sustained by you as a result of us failing to provide the Room(s) and/or any related services by reason of any events beyond our reasonable control. To the maximum extent permitted under law, We shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of or damage to reputation or goodwill, loss of opportunity, loss of revenue or indirect or special loss or damage suffered by you, or any failure of data security or computer systems arising from your use of our facilities.
We shall be entitled to eject any Guest or stop the Meeting without notice if any behaviour or content is in our opinion likely to lead to damage or nuisance or a breach of any law.
To the maximum extent permitted under law, our maximum liability to you in respect of any Booking shall be the amount paid in respect of such Booking.
Use of any personal data provided to us shall be governed by our Privacy Policy.
The Contract is personal to you and is not assignable by you.
The Contract does not create any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 which are enforceable by any person who is not a party to it and no party who is not a party to the Contract may enforce any of its terms.
The Contract contains the entire understanding between you and us and supersedes all previous agreements. Each of us confirms that it has not been induced to enter into the Contract in reliance on any representation or warranty except those contained or referred to in the Contract providing that nothing in the Contract shall be deemed to exclude either party’s liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.
The Contract shall be governed by English law and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.