5 Principles for Goal-Driven Meetings

It has been proven that teams who set clear and attainable goals in meetings are more successful. When leaders and employees incorporate this as a natural part of the proceedings, the team’s mindset and behaviour changes – to an outlook that is always set to accomplish goals.

Do you want your meetings to be goal driven? Have your pen and paper ready, as we are about to explain how to make meetings more driven and purposeful!

meeting with statistics

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Set clear and measurable goals

A goal that is not backed up by a solid plan is just a wish. Constantly reminding and discussing business team goals during meetings updates employees on the current status of the objectives.

Everyone in the meeting must:
• Understand the team objectives and goals
• Keep track of the objectives
• Follow an achievable timetable for the deadlines
• Know their specific role, purpose and duties

Take the time to set metrics and get everyone to keep track of them. Update the team, letting them know how assignments related to the goals were accomplished and share the information with everyone the next time you meet.

Make it challenging

Everyone will be on the edge of their seats when they are faced with challenging goals, rather than monotonous duties – our thoughts tend to get stagnant when we are not tested from time to time. The more difficult the goals, the more motivated and anxious the team members will be to apply their skills to get it done.

To get the most out of every task, ask yourself the following questions:

 How challenging is it?
 Is it exciting enough for everyone?
 Is it too easy?
 Can the goal be stretched a little bit more to motivate employees?

Get everyone committed

No matter how exciting or challenging the goals, if everyone is not totally committed to the agenda, it is just a big waste of time. You cannot make anyone strive to achieve team goals; however, you must do your very best to unite everyone for the team’s common cause. Visualise and share how the accomplishment will feel once the objectives have been met.

Set feedback schedules

Teams must make feedback schedules as a normal part of the goal setting agenda – to make it more effective, as frequent feedback enables the team to track progress and make the necessary adjustments.

You can do this weekly to review goals, spot issues and brainstorm for solutions.

Make it simple

No one in the team wants to make business objectives or goals any more intricate than necessary. Simplify things when visualising the end result; setting timetables, designating roles, etc. Break down the problem or objective into small manageable pieces and then strategise your plan of ‘attack’ from there.

Start the event off on the right foot and call 0800 073 0499 to hold your carefully considered meetings in our carefully considered meeting rooms in London!

Posted by Julie Tucker

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