Infographic: The Meeting Planner’s Glossary

10 Significant Terms You Need to Know

More than possessing strong interpersonal and leadership skills, meeting organisers must also be familiarised with the basic event management jargon to help them fulfil minor tasks effectively.

Trust us, you’ll reap remarkable benefits once you get the hang of it!

Act of God

A situation that pertains to any unforeseen natural disasters that the company has no control over – resulting in the postponement of an event.


This refers to any valuable information which contains a critical process of sharing thoughts and observations about a certain action from an individual or group.

Floor plan

Also known as the ‘blueprint’ of the room, the floor plan is a designed layout which shows the stage area, seating arrangements and where the tables are assigned for guests and exhibitors.

Guaranteed late arrival

This requested arrangement allows the reservation to remain booked for guests who have confirmed they will be arriving late – guaranteed by a credit card or an advance payment that has been settled before the event.

Open bar

A sophisticated bar at an event or function where the alcoholic beverages are served for free.

Press kit

Typically contained in a folder, a press kit is full of information about a company that consists of consolidated printed materials intended for the media.

Press release or media release

An unbiased article written to promote an event or raise the reputation of a company – usually released for news media.

Pro forma invoice

A document sent to the customer for the products or services that are yet to be delivered which contains the specified prices and terms of the transaction – as a proof of purchase. It does not serve as a true invoice.

Stage hand

The stage hand is the person responsible for all the technical set-ups backstage (e.g. props, backdrops, etc.) or behind the scenes of a conference venue.

Vendor agreement

This refers to a legal contract between an event planner and a vendor.

So, there goes our event management jargon buster! Hold your sessions in our exceptional training rooms in London and everyone will be talking the same language! Phone &Meetings on 0800 073 0499 to learn more about our venues.

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