Meet our team: Emma Mitchell, Sales Executive
You’ve met all the &Meetings team now apart from our newest member, Emma, so let’s find out more about her now.
Question 1: How long have you worked for &Meetings?
I joined in September 2022 so have been working in the &meetings department for 7 months.
Question 2: What does your role involve?
Alongside my team, I deal with meeting room enquiries for all our centres, while also taking payments for them.
Question 3: What meeting has had the most impact on your life?
I can’t pick one of them but all my best friends. They all have such a huge impact on my life, and I couldn’t imagine life without any of them.
It’s like having 5 sisters you can share anything with.
One of my best friends, Rio (centre right), works for our parent company BE Offices, she introduced me to the company.
Question 4: Who is the most famous person you’ve met?
I met all of One Direction at a book signing once.
Question 5: Tell us about your most unexpected meeting.
I met Amy Charles at the hair salon she gave me a hug.
Question 6: Who is the most inspirational person you’ve met?
My Mum, she is an amazing person inside and out. She has done so much for me, and my siblings and we will forever be grateful to her.
Question 7: If you could meet anyone, from the past or present, who would it be and why?
My grandad.. he sadly passed away when I was a baby, but I always hear great stories about him.
Question 8: Why do you think in-person meetings are so important?
In-person meetings are great for building work relationships. With the benefits of eye contact and body language your meeting can be more successful.
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