What is AIM Accreditation?

At &Meetings we’re proud that our offices meet the AIM Accreditation – but what is it and what does it mean for you?

AIM Accreditation is an industry-wide mark of excellence focussing on offices, venues and service providers.

It basically guarantees a certain level of quality, that the venue is fit for purpose and that the companies that run these venues and services are decent and ethical organisations.

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The benchmark
The accreditation works on an industry-wide benchmarking system. Venues or suppliers of venues are assessed by the Meetings Industry Association (mia) against a set of quality standards.

These have been agreed by mia and endorsed by the Hotel Booking Agents’ Association (HBAA).

The review looks at:

• Facilities (venues only)
• Legal compliance
• Performance against a strict code of conduct

Businessman on the Phone Walking Past a Modern Building and Tree

The levels of AIM
There are three levels of accreditation:

• AIM Entry Level
The venue will be fit-for-purpose and have good quality catering with ‘honest and transparent’ pricing.  The venue will be legally compliant and capable of meeting most procurement criteria, even those required by Government departments.

• AIM Silver Level
Expect exceptional facilities with excellent service, catering and knowledgeable staff. Pricing will be transparent but reflect the quality of the venue and service.

• Aim Gold Level
First class facilities with the highest levels of service including exceptional catering, knowledgeable staff with an eye for detail and pricing to reflect this high quality.


Posted by Ashleigh Sharp

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